
User Guide


Butler is an interactive task list manager that engages with you through a text-messaging based interface.

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  1. Adding a task
  2. Listing tasks
  3. Marking tasks as completed
  4. Deleting a task
  5. Finding tasks by description
  6. Task reminders
  7. Exiting program


1. Adding a task

There are 3 main types of tasks you can add.

  1. Todos - tasks that only contain a description.
  2. Deadlines - tasks that include a description and a due date.
  3. Events - tasks that include a description and a venue which the event takes place at.

1.1 Adding a todo - todo

Adds a Todo to the task list.



1.2 Adding a deadline - deadline

Adds a deadline and its associated due date to the task list.

Usage: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DUEDATE


1.3 Adding an event

Adds an event and its associated venue to the task list.

Usage: event DESCRIPTION /at VENUE


2. Listing tasks

Displays the list of all tasks along with the integer id representing each task.

Usage: list

Example output:

Here are the tasks in your list: 
1. [D][] complete CS2103T assignment (by: SEPTEMBER 14 2021) 
2. [T][X] wash the dishes
3. [E][] celebrate friend's birthday (at: friend's house)

All tasks which have been added are listed with their task types, completion status and description shown.

3. Setting a task as completed - done

Mark a task as completed.

Usage: done INDEX


4. Deleting a task - delete

Deletes an existing task in the task list.

Usage: delete INDEX


5. Finding tasks by description - find

Displays all tasks whose description contains the provided SEARCH_QUERY.

Usage: find SEARCH_QUERY

Example: find hello Finds and displays tasks that contain ‘hello’ in the description in a list.

Example output:

Here are the tasks with matching descriptions in your list:
1.[T][X] hello world

Displays a list including tasks that contain ‘hello’ in the description.

6. Deadline reminders - reminder

Displays all deadline tasks which have not yet been completed and due dates are earlier or until the specified filter time.

There are 3 due date time specifications Butler can remind you of current deadlines for:

  1. All deadlines
  2. Is due within a week from today or earlier(overdue).
  3. Is due today or earlier(overdue).

6.1 Reminder for all incomplete deadlines

Displays all deadline tasks in a list that are incomplete regardless of due date.

Usage: reminder

Example output:

Here's the list of incomplete tasks sorted by deadline(All):
[D][] finish homework A (by: SEPTEMBER 10 2021) 
[D][] finish homework B (by: SEPTEMBER 14 2021) 
[D][] finish homework C (by: SEPTEMBER 22 2021) 
[D][] finish homework D (by: SEPTEMBER 30 2021) 

All deadlines that are incomplete are displayed as reminder.

6.2 Reminder for incomplete tasks which are overdue or are due today.

Displays all incomplete deadline tasks in a list that are overdue or are due today.

Usage: reminder today

Example output:

Here's the list of incomplete tasks sorted by deadline(Due today or earlier):
[D][] finish homework A (by: SEPTEMBER 10 2021) 
[D][] finish homework B (by: SEPTEMBER 14 2021) 

Assuming the current date is SEPTEMBER 14, 2021, only incomplete deadlines that are overdue or are due by today are displayed.

6.3 Reminder for incomplete tasks which are overdue or are due within a week from today

Displays all incomplete deadline tasks in a list that are overdue or are due within a week from today.

Usage: reminder week

Example output:

Here's the list of incomplete tasks sorted by deadline(Due within a week from now or earlier):
[D][] finish homework A (by: SEPTEMBER 10 2021) 
[D][] finish homework B (by: SEPTEMBER 14 2021) 
[D][] finish homework C (by: SEPTEMBER 22 2021) 

Assuming the current date is SEPTEMBER 14, 2021, only incomplete deadlines that are overdue or are due within a week from today (due SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 or earlier) are displayed.

7. Exiting the program - bye

Displays shutdown message and terminates the Butler program.

Usage: bye